Lion Brewery – Label Fun Brewery Hill Carmel Porter

30 October 2009

LionCarmelPorterLabelI’ll admit that this is perhaps one of my favorite all time Lion brews….I present for your enjoyment, Brewery Hill Carmel Porter.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Red Baron

26 October 2009

LionRedBaronCherryLabelHere’s one I’ve been trying to track down, and finally found it. I present the rare Red Baron Cherry-Flavored Beer!

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons Porter

24 October 2009

LionGibbonsPorterLabelHere’s another beer that I wasn’t aware of, and one I’m very curious to hear more about. Gibbons Premium Quality Porter.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons

LionGibbonsPremiumLabelAs long as we’re riding the Gibbons train, why not post another Gibbons label. Today I present Gibbons Premium Quality Ale. This is the 1950’s versions of the label and I think it’s a really cool looking label.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier's Ale

20 October 2009

LionStegAleLabelHere’s a favorite label of mine coming to us from the 1940’s, Stegmaier’s Ale!

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Liebotschaner Select Beer

18 October 2009

LionLiebSelectLabelI know we just mentioned Lieb, but why not do it again, especially if it’s a different label. Liebotschaner Select Beer! This one comes to us from the 1960’s.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Bartel's Porter

16 October 2009

LionBartelsPorterLabelI just checked and we’ve been doing the Lion Brewery label fun for over a month…so why not revisit our favorite professor. Today’s label is Bartel’s Porter…with reputation old.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons

14 October 2009

LionGibbonsLabelHere’s one I remember from my childhood. No not from drinking it but from seeing advertising everywhere. I present to you Gibbons…or as it’s better know…G-I-B-B-O-N-S..pure refreshing Gibbons, that’s why Gibbon’s is good so next time you should say Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gibbons!

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Liebotschaner Cream Ale

12 October 2009

LionLiebA perennial favorite and a beer that promises to make a re-appearance very soon. Liebotschaner Cream Ale.

Lion Brewery - Label Fun Stegmaier Bock Beer

10 October 2009


This will be the 3rd appearance of the Stegmaier Bock Beer, and this one appears to be an old one, even though it is just Stegmaier and not Stegmaier’s.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier Porter

08 October 2009

LionStegPorterNewLabelHere’s a familiar friend and again one of my favorite Lion brews. Stegmaier Porter.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Bartels Pure Beer

06 October 2009

LionBartelsPure2LabelWhat label fun would be complete without another visit from Professor Bartels. I’m not sure of the timeframe of this one, but today’s label is Bartel’s Pure Beer.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier's Stock Lager

04 October 2009

EPSON scanner imageWe’ve pushed into Oct with our label fun, so time for a classic. Today we feature the 1930’s Stegmaier’s Stock Lager. Of interest is their transition from Stegmaier’s to Stegmaiers’ to Stegmaier.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Pathmark Lager

02 October 2009

LionPathmarkLabelAh what fond memories I have of today’s label. When I first moved to Philadelphia, we had a Pathmark right across the street from my apartment. What could be more cheap and convenient, than supermarket beer? I present to you, Pathmark Premium Lager (sold in pints of course).

Gibbons – Old Photo

01 October 2009

GibbonsDuryea An attentive reader, Jeff, found this great old photo from a Bulavich Saloon clambake in Duryea, PA in the 1950’s showing off their loyalty to Gibbons (and accordion skills). This photo is courtesy of (thank you.)

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