Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier Anniversary Brew

30 January 2010

 LionStegAnniversaryLabel Here’s another great label courtesy of Jesskidden.  This one features.Stegmaier Anniversary Brew in the 32oz (! quart) size.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Esslinger

28 January 2010

 LionEsslingerLabel Here’s another great label courtesy of Jesskidden.  This one features Esslinger from Pocono Brewery Co (Wilkes-Barre, PA) in 12oz (355ml) size.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons

26 January 2010

LionGibbonsRWLabel Here’s another great label courtesy of Jesskidden.  This one features Gibbons Famous Light Lager Beer in 12oz size.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons Peter Pippin Porter

24 January 2010

LionGibbonsPeterPippinPorterLabel This label has been highly requested and I finally was able to find it.  I present for your viewing pleasure Gibbons Peter Pippin Porter.  Now I KNOW there has to be a great Peter Pippin story out there somewhere so please comment.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier Bock Beer Keg Tag

20 January 2010

LionStegBockKegLabel This keg label comes to us courtesy of jesskidden and it is for Stegmaier Bock Beer.  It has the union label, half-barrel size and the typical Steg tag lines.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier Brewing Letterhead

19 January 2010

LionStegBrewingLetter.jog Yes we’re crossing boundaries again, but I just thought this one was worth a look.  Today we feature some letterhead from the Stegmaier Brewing Co dated 17 July 1906.  Of note on this letterhead is the fact that their tag lines are :Lager Beer & Porter  and Brands: Export and Select Beer, Stock Lager, Porter, Malt Extract, Ales.”  Be sure to check out the cool drawing too.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier Ale

18 January 2010

LionStegAleLabel Today’s label is Stegmaier Ale.  I know we’ve published a similar label, but this one is slightly different.  The one comes to us courtesy of jesskidden and if has a 1955 copyright, a 12oz size and also features the tag line of “Unexcelled Quality.”

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Stegmaier Porter

17 January 2010

LionStegPorterGreenLabel This is a classic label that is one of my favorites.  Lion Stegmaier Porter.  This one comes to us courtesy of jesskidden and has a 1955 copyright and is a 12oz label with the tag line “Unexcelled Quality.”

Loin Brewery – Label Fun Liebotschaner Bock Beer

16 January 2010

LionStegLiebotschanerSelectBocklabel So we march forward into spring with more label fun.  This one comes to us courtesy of jeskidden and features the Liebotschaner Special Bock Beer.  The size oz 12oz and the tag says “brewed & Bottled by the Lion Inc., Wilkes-Barre PA 18705

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun

15 January 2010

LionStegLiebotschanerSelectpromocardToday we feature another cool Liebotschaner Select advertising card courtesy of Jesskidden.  The advertising tag line reads, “America’s Finest Munich Type Beer…and old world “Munich Type” beer brewed of imported hops, one hundred percent barley malts and utilizing the crystal clear waters of the beautiful Pocono Mountain region of Pennsylvania.”  It’s mellow flavor is savored by discerning beer drinkers everywhere.”

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun

14 January 2010

LionGibbonsProof Today we wander even further from beer labels into some Gibbons advertising.  This one comes to us courtesy of jesskidden and it shows a print ad from 26 Sept 1952.  The ad features the tag line “The Proof is in the Taste"—Best-liked Beer in town because Gibbons is the best-tasting Beer!  Have a Gibbons and Prove it to yourself!  If it’s Gibbons it’s always Good—The Lion Inc. Gibbons Brewery Wilkes-Barre”

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Stegmaier Gold Medal Table Tent

12 January 2010

LionStegTableTent I couldn’t resist posting this one up.  It’s an amazing image from a Stegmaier table tent.  This one comes to us courtesy of jesskidden and it shows Stegmaier’s Gold Medal Beer “Brewed to the Taste of the Nation” with a wonderful wreath of hops around the beer glass.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Liebotschaner Select Keg Tag

10 January 2010

LionStegLiebotschanerSelectKegLabel Today we stray a little from our tradition bottle label posting to show a Keg Label from Liebotschaner Select Beer.  This label is courtesy of jesskidden and shows the union label, the half-barrel size and the tag “Brewed & Filled by Stegmaier Brewing Co., Wilkes-Barre, PA  Est 1857.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons Bock

08 January 2010

LionGibbonsBock2Label This label is a different version of a label I posted a few months ago.  This label is courtesy of jesskidden and shows us an early Gibbons Bock beer label.  The label is for a 12oz bottle and is copyrighted 1937.

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Tony Galento Postcard

LionStegBoxer Now I know before anyone corrects me that there is a difference between the Lion Brewery and the old Stegmaier Brewery. For the purposes of keeping a common title I’m calling most things Lion Brewery. Today we have a cool advertising post card from the 1950’s featuring boxer Tony Galento with the tag line “The Beer that Made Galento Famous.” I’m sure there’s a great story here.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons Bock

06 January 2010

LionGibbonsBockLabelWell we’re into the new year so why not an old label.  Who knew they brewed a Gibbons Bock?

Loin Brewery – Label Fun Hope Bock Beer

03 January 2010


So I took a little holiday break from posting Lion Brewery beer labels, so I thought I’d start off the new year with some Hope Bock Beer.  I love how the goat is wearing a necklace of Hops.  Turns out Hope Brewing is out of Providence RI.

Welcome to Wilkes-Barre Brewing History

01 January 2010

StegBrew1 After months of publishing some great photos of the old Stegmaier and Lion Breweries, and scans of many many Lion/Stegmaier beer labels, I decided our local Wilkes-Barre brewing history deserved a better home. To that end I have decided to create this page and link it directly to

Until I find the time to create a real book out of this robust collection of our local brewing heritage, it seems like this will be as good a place as any to store and display our collective compendium of local brewing.

This “rag-tag” collection is not in any specific order and certainly not complete, but it will serve as home to our local brewing history.

Please feel free to browse the collection and PLEASE do submit any photos, labels, advertising or local beer memorabilia to me via e-Mail ( and I will add it to the page and credit the person submitting.  Keep in mind there are multiple pages so when you reach the bottom of this page, be sure to continue clicking on “Older Posts” or follow the blog archive in the right hand menu bar.

Be sure to stay tuned for the mybeerbuzz book of local brewing history.

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