Lion Brewery – Label Fun Steg Porter

28 February 2010

LionStegPorter7ozLabel Today we have another label from the smaller bottles like the previous label post.  This one is also 7oz and features Stegmaier Truly Brewed Porter.  Be sure to check out the hat and shoes on the little guy.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Little Steg

26 February 2010

LionLittleStegLabel I’m not sure about you, but I’m continually amazed at how many products have come out of Lion Brewery over the years.  Take my word for it or check out the WB Brewing History Page I added in January for a compendium of everything I’ve posted so far.

Today we have “little” STEG Gold Medal Beer in the 7oz size (thus the “little”).

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gibbons Half & Half

24 February 2010

LionGibbonsHalfHalfLabel Here’s an interesting one I had heard of, but never seen, Gibbons Half Ale and Half Porter.  The size is 12oz and the copyright is 1937.  This does have the Tax Paid Stamp on it.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Pocono Blonde

22 February 2010

LionPoconoBlondeLabel Here’s a relatively new label.  I know we already covered the Brewery Hill line and one or two of the Pocono line, but not this one.  Today I present Pocono Blonde Ale in 12oz size.  I’ll be driving around the Poconos this weekend, so I’ll be sure to watch out for those amazing snow covered rocky mountain peaks on the label ;)

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Lion Bock

LionBockOld Label This one appears to be a very old Lion Bock label.  Hopefully someone can fill in the time frame of this beer/label but I’m guessing around 1930 or so (no Tax Stamp).  This one is for a 12oz bottle and features the tagline “Enjoyed Everywhere.”

Lion Brewery Stegmaier Polka Fun

20 February 2010

LionStegmaierPolka Here’s a little Stegmaier Gold Medal Beer Coaster with the “Stegmaier Polka” on the back….and I quote.

Now if you want a beer that’s mellow
A beer that is really grand
Just Say “Make Mine Stegmaier’s”
The Gold Medal Beer of the land

And so at home or club or tap room
Always order the brew that they cheer
Served just right
Mellow cool and light
Stegmaier’s Gold Medal Beer

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Casey & Kelly’s Ale

18 February 2010

LionCaseyKellyLabel I know very little about this label other than it is a pre-prohibition label called Casey & Kelly’s Ale bottled by Anton Frank, Wilkes-Barre, PA.  Any info out there?

Lion Brewery – Label Fun “BEER”

16 February 2010

LionBeerLabel This is about as generic a beer label as you can get…simply labeled “BEER".”  Not that you can’t figure it out on your own, but the label has the tag line “No Frills.”  This one was bottled for Supermarkets General Corp out of NY.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Hope Red Ale

14 February 2010

LionHopeRedAleLabel We’ve posted all sorts of Hope Beer labels including Red Rooster, but here’s a new one….Hope Red Ale.  This is the 12oz size.

Lion Brewery – Label Fun Neuweiler

12 February 2010

LionNeuweilerLabel Today’s label fun is Neuweiler Stock ale…limited prooduction brew crafted with British-bred barley malt and Imported Kint Goldings hops.  So what exactly is Nix Besser?   (Non better maybe?)

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Stegmaier Freinds

10 February 2010

 LionStegFriends This advertisement is courtesy of Jesskidden and features the tagline “Only the Very best for 95 years!”  Be sure to read the text of the ad and I love that it ends with “Also available – Ale and Porter.”

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Liebotschaner Select Light or Dark

08 February 2010

 LionStegLiebAd1964 This advertisement is courtesy of Jesskidden and features the tagline “Liebotschaner Select Beer Dark or Light.”  It’s interesting that they referred to is as a “Munich Type” beer….but thankfully it is now “popularly priced” (whatever that is).

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Gibbons for Easter

06 February 2010

 LionGibbonsEaster This advertisement is from 15 April 1949 and comes to us courtesy of Jesskidden.  It features the tagline “Easter Tips…You Can’t beat Gibbons for a GOOD Beer!” and yes those are Easter Lilies next to the beer.  Other notable details include Reuben Jaffee as the “Importing Distributor” in Philipsburg…and be sure to check out the phone number.  Importing from where…Wilkes-Barre?

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Gibbons Always tastes Good

04 February 2010

LionGibbonsAlways This advertisement is from 26 March 1959 and comes to us courtesy of Jesskidden.  It features the tagline “Gibbons Always Tastes Good.”

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Stubbies

01 February 2010

 LionStubbiesB&WAdvertisingToday we’re featuring a black & white ad for the Stegmaier family of Stubbies 12oz bottles.  The ad shows Gibbons, Bartels, Stegmaier, Esslinger, Liebotschaner Cream Ale and Steg Light.  Sad to say but I’m old enough to remember all of these (as a very young child of course.)

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