Lion Brewery – Label Fun Gold Medal Beer

30 March 2010

LionStegGoldMedalOldLabel We’ve published a similar label already, but not nearlky as old as this one.  This is from the late 1930’s and is a 12oz bottle label.

Local Brewing – Neuweiler Brochure

28 March 2010

This brochure comes to us courtesy of the private collection of Tom Clarke from Berwick Brewing Co.  Tom was nice enough to also share the brochure we’ve been checking out over the last few days.  This brochure is a little newer than the guide, but still amazing.

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Local Brewing – Neuweiler Pictoral – Part 2

26 March 2010

Here’s part 2 of a GREAT 50-year Anniversary Pictorial Guide of Louis F. Neuweiler & Sons brewery in Allentown PA.  This guide comes to us courtesy of the private collection of Tom Clarke from Berwick Brewing Co. 

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Lion Brewery – Label Fun Neuweiler

22 March 2010

LionNeuweilerLabel2 Here’s one from Neuweiler that I don’t think I’ve posted before.  This label is Neuweiler Traditional Lager Beer in the 12 oz size.

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Christmas 1938

20 March 2010

 StegAdChristmas1938I know we’re well past the holidays, but I couldn’t resist posting this Stegmaier print ad courtesy of JessKidden.  This one is dated 1938 and features Stegmaier Gold Medal Beer, Ale Porter and Stock Lager and a great old Victorian-style drawing.

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Brewers Hand

18 March 2010

StegAd4Hands Here’s another great Stegmaier print ad courtesy of JessKidden.  This one is dated 1944 and features a theme of the Master’s Hand.  Jess also reminded me that this theme is very reminiscent of Shaefer’s famous post-prohibition campaign of “Our Hand has Never Lost it’s Skill.”

Lion Brewery – Advertising Stegmaier Bartender

16 March 2010

 StegAdBartender Here’s a great old Stegmaier ad courtesy of JessKidden.  This one is dated around 1952 and features a great cartoon bartender—“Steg is my Best Beer and Business PROVES it!”  Also available Stegmaier Ale & Porter…

Lion Brewery – Advertising Fun Stegmaier 94 Years

12 March 2010

 StegAd94Years Here’s another really fun old Stegmaier ad courtesy of JessKidden.  This one features Stegmaier Gold Medal Beer and is dated from approximately 1951.  Best Beer in 94 Years—94 Years of Goodness in Every Glass.

Lion Brewery - Label Fun Pocono Pale Ale

08 March 2010

LionPoconoPaleAleLabel Since we’ve done a few others, why not Pocono Pale Ale in the 12oz size.

Lion Brewery - Label Fun Pocono Lager

06 March 2010

LionPoconoLagerLabel I believe we did the Pocono Blonde Ale but not the Pocono Lager, so here it is in the 12oz size with the Pocono Mountains looking better than ever.

Lion Brewery - Label Fun Queen City Lager

04 March 2010

 LionQueenCityLabel Today’s label is Queen City Lager from Buffalo NY in the 12oz size.  I like how the label states that it is brewed and bottled under the supervision of its brewmaster by special agreement at the Lion Inc…

Lion Brewery - Label Fun AC Diving Horse

02 March 2010

LionACDivingHorseLabel This week we feature the Atlantic City Diving Horse Lager Beer in the 12oz size.  The label design appears to be a cross between Baywatch and The Lone Ranger, but a cool design nonetheless,

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