Lion Brewery Stegmaier–NEW Pumpkin Ale !

25 May 2011


I’m excited to be the first to show you the new packaging for Lion Brewery Stegmaier Pumpkin Ale (ale brewed with pumpkin and spices)…the first new brew to come out of the Stegmaier line in over a year.  We’ve been showing you the new Stegmaier packaging, but this is an actual new beer.  Looks like it will be packaged in 12oz bottles and come in at 5.5% ABV.

Lion Brewery–Stegmaier Oktoberfest 2011

21 May 2011

here’s your first look at the new Lion Brewery Stegmaier Oktoberfest packaging for 2011.  I brought you the IPA & Amber and White Ale…so why not show off the new Stegmaier Brewing Oktoberfest packaging.  Yep it’s still a 12oz bottle and 6.1% ABV (with a pretzel)…and here’s the neck label too.

Lion Brewery–Stegmaier NEW Packaging IPA and Amber Lager

05 May 2011

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We were the first to show off the new can design for Stegmaier IPA…and at first I concluded it was only a radical change in the packaging that would be used on the specialty cans.  Today we see approvals for 12oz bottles for Stegmaier IPA and Stegmaier Amber Lager.  This new design uses a wood plank backing with the traditional and historical Stegmaier Brewing Company initials logo (SBC) with the tagline “Brewed in the Honorable Tradition of Charles Stegmaier.”  Since the Lion Brewery recently re-designed all of it’s Stegmaier Packaging this was initially a surprise, however I can say there was some dissatisfaction at how recognizable the former packaging was.  At 6.7% ABV for the IPA and 5.2% ABV for the Amber Lager, these appear to be the same recipes for these brews.

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