Local Brewing History – Christian Feigenspan Pride of Newark Brewery
11 May 2010
First let me apologize for how my home scanner attempted to handle this wonderful 10” x 13” 36 page brochure from Christian Feigenspan PON (Pride of Newark) Brewery. This brochure is courtesy of Tom Clark at Berwick Brewing Co. PON features a Dark Beer, Brown Stout, Porter Imperial Pale Ale, Amber Ale (all in various bottles and cans) as well as a secondary line called Dobler Brewing. Feigenspan advertized “Oceans of Ambers” to highlight their 30 2-story fermenters with a capacity of 9,800 barrels and their cloistered Monks Cellar with multiple 100-barrel oak casks just for their IPA. This was clearly a huge and amazing brewery, that even more amazingly, just disappeared as many regional breweries merged. Rather than try to scan every page, I’ve included some of the more amazing pages and photos…enjoy and thanks again to Tom Clark for sharing another piece of local brewing history.
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